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Bartholome-.v Counl-y, Indiana

Ceir:etery Records

co"i;iled by

May Aoz.rr.s Arbuchle for Indiana Hictorical 5o::i . COiUmittee

0 :- V r J. c n e £ I'

Ohio Tow-nship

Ohio To'-<'nship v/a-s roraed iro:a territory be- lon^ins to "le.yne To-v.ashipi.upon the petition of her citizens) by the 3oe.rd of County Co::i.:iissioners, on June 6, 18A-3. Tnis to'-rnship, at its organization, embraced the territory nov; comprising Jackson To".,'iii;:iip.

There are ohree ce.:iet cries in txiis township: St. Paul, Ohio Chapel, and Zion. St. Paul vfas recorded by iirs. V/. H.Conner. It \7as a Lutheran ce:.:ot&ry. It is i;i the S V/ 1/4 of Sec. 19, on the line betv/een Sections 19 and 2-'!-.

Ohio Chapel is in :-he II E l/A of Section 23. Zion is in the ;■.' E corner of the :; E 1/4 of Section 18.


St. Paul CeL-.c-tery St. Paul Co:.ietery, in the central part oT Ohio Tov/nshlp, is on State Road 58. St. Paul Lutheran Church ■.vas torn dovfn -lany years aso . This is novf a coa.junity bur- ial ground and is Cojr-ed for oy an inter-deno;ninc;tiona.l 3oard of Trustees.

The bodies of so.ne of the pioneer residents v?ere moved here from f.ie Baptist Ceoietery aft-er that church burneA- Aaong these v/as I.Iarcus Clark, -.vho v;as the founder of the 3ap~ tist church and preached for that con^rei^ation several years He and his wife, Electa Sheraan Clark, ca^e here in covered Y^asons. Llarcus Clark .as related to GeoroC Rogers Clark.

This ce.aetery was recorded by /.rs . Y/. H.Conner

andlirs. Corinne Iloblitt Taylor.

ilarcus Clark D :.:ay 18,1833 Ace 69yrs. , 10.no. ,28da. ■Electa Clark D ..lay 30,1897 Are 80yrs. , 2.ao. ,19da.

Elisha Conner l:.l8 - 1875

Rhoda Conner 1822 - 1922 100 years5r;0.

Jaoies S. Conner 185-^ - l88l O-.v.en Conner 1857 - lo76

Samuel CDnner 1859 - 1933 'liilliam Franklin Con.ier 1850 - 18^0

Ruth Nolte Krous 1391 - 1936 A.C.Nolts i860 - 1912

i^ary A. Holte 1864 - 1899

liahlon Lucky 1853 - 1910

Allie Conner Lucky 18^3 - 1924

Phebe Slzina Llerrinan 1362 - 1929 V/illie l.Ierriraan Nov. 24,1893

Elsie ucLIillan 3 Dec. 1867 D .^pr . 21,1337

■.Villia:n R. Cox 1849 - 1926 Kena Cox 1868 - 1940

Joe ..IcMin.pn Jun^ 24. 1832 ~ /uiR,. 20,1902

-*^ellY ;;^-.,-,^ _. n -..--. ^ ,no.:

St. Paul Ce::et.ory - contiaued

Charles Sv/ank Oct. 18,1SS2 - ..pr . 23, 1911

V.'illie::i S'acnk July 15,13-^-4 - Oct. 31, lb-'04

Zllpha S'.7ank July 21,loA9 - Jan. 8,1921

Kuth A. Svfankj vrife of Adaia D. Aug* 9,1396 :iS'3 27yrs.

Em^ia J. V.'int .,:ar. 7,1852 - Dec. 10,1904

Julia OG-llvie l8A3 - 1921

Rachel, v/j.fe of Dayton Poland. ::ov . l6,l853 - June 18,1834 Lois, dau. of D. and R. Poland 1384 - 1885

Saiauel Osilvie D. Oct. 5,1901 ^^re 85 yrs. ,3.-0. , 28da. Rachel, v/ife o^ S. Ogilvie D. ..lay 20,1879 -^^e 62yrs. 4:ao.

George Osilvie D. Feb. 3,1875 .^33 89yrs.

Jacob Sv;ank 1348 - 1913 Llatilda S'.vank 18^2 - I9II

Sarah Shroyer I852 - 1939 Alice Shroyer 18/7 - 1903 lAoses Shroyer 1820 ~ 1397 Catherine Slii^oyer l3lS - 1904

Infant of G-. and L. Sticken B and D Uay 3, 1871^ Jose chine, dau. of G. and L. Stic ken :;ov . l8,l8o6 - Sept. 2,1


Ja::ies Pruden :.!ar. 23,1830 - Feb. 14, 1853 Eveline A. Fruden,./ife of Ja-ies, 1831 - 1863 Albert, son of J. and 5. Pruj.en I80O -_l86l Sarah, '.vife of Ilelson Fruden,D. I858 Are 52yrs. , 2;ao. ,5da.

Henry Huntsman I87I - 1929

Robert Car:aichael lc55 - 1931 Anis Car-aichael 1864 - 1940

Ilelvin A. Linson 181^7 - 1932 liary A. Linscn 1857 ■- 1932

Bobbie Leslie 193'^'- - 1935

Julia :i. EoTs^es 1852 - 1333

Ury C. Harns_ l8^i4 - 1851

George B-. Hill IS50 - 1350

Nancy S. Mill I859 - 1360

Jacob Taylor Co. B 82nd Ind. Inf.

John 'J. Frank June l4,l371 - J^.n. 18, 1379

Hovrard Olinstead Jan. 22, 1874 - ^pr . 5,1900

St . Paul C c :-e t c- ry c o nt, i n uo d

Louis?. Sch.;enl: D. ^ec . 25,lc30 - .-..je 73 yrs. ,7--0. jYc-c-,.

Jacob '.Vell'.er 2. June 23,1339 -^^e 63 yrs. ,lO.-.o. , 2oda. Uary 'Mell:er D . July 23,lS39, .i^e 63yrs. , >_io. ,3da.

Fay S'.7ank 1^0? - 1922

Albert Phillips 2. Jf.n. l3,lSoC ^i^e 32yr£.,Sjo., 26da Walter Phillips D. Jan. 12,l5oO .-^^e 3:3yro. 4:-.o. , 15c.a.

Mary L.Wint D. June 3jl3oO .-v^o 36yr£. ,4.ao. , 23da.

Franp;i'ssus Keller D. June 22,1372 --.se 32yr£. ,8.:io. ,15da

Angeline '.Vint L. June 3,1833 A3e 72yrs.,6uiO. Solonon V*'int D. liar. l6, 1391 .-^se 30yrs.,5rao.

Robert U. l.loor-e D. Oct. 27,1857 ^^ise 17yr3. ,3.::o. ,lSda.

Flora Alice Brovm D. Oct. 3, 1857 -'^Ee lyr.,13cla. Gullen D. 3rov;n D. ^-.pr .20,1363 .^^s 25yrs. , 10.ao. Horace G. Brov/n D. /.ay 11,1863 .'^[ce - lliao.,22da.

Emilia A. Hardinr. D. Oct. 21,1391 Age 22yrs. ,ll.uo. ,l^da.

Uary L. Armstrong 1857 - 1921 liartin V. Arir.strong 1345 - lylo Herbert .-irastrong 1330 - 19OO

J .F ."Winters 25th Ind. Inf. l.'ot all decipherable

.John \J. Khune :.lay 14,139^ - Oct .11,1903 Rachel Khime 1353 - 1914 Dennis ilhune 1352 - 1923

Samuel H. L-lcKay I871 - 1940

John Henry Clarlc 1846 - 1913 V/ife of " "

David S. Llnson 1373 - 191O Catherine Elliins

Henry Snith I851 - I913

Homer 1.:. Clark I907 ~ 1938 Infant June Ellen Clark 1933 Orval R. Clark I9II - 1915 cilice Clark I88I - 1935

Henry l.lcCord 1854 - 192O iaarah Ac Cord l35o - 1:^15 -lary .-mn .IcCord 1336 - 1922

St. Paul Ccs:.':'Zer-j coacludod

Curtis Dv/irlit Fluu,-.er,In-"a:it son of Caec.tov aad Kuth 1932

John V;. Noblltt June 2J>,loso - ly'a Hannah loblitt au^. 11,1oS:3 - ;.:ar. 1,1^27

V/illl?.ia B. Thomas lS7'2 - 1933 Loder.a Thoi.ias l37b - 1937

Anna J. IJoblitt aus. l9,l3o3 ~ i'^eb. 6,1935

Hov/ard Thor-nton D. 1933 •i.S- 22yrs. Rev. J.L.Thornton D. 192o .^^e" 49yrs.

Lula Shroyer D. Sept.5.;935; ^C^ 32yrs. , Ajio. ,15da.

Paul rUch Ililled in AutoiiObile accident Jelvin Rich "

Jacl'Lson xo./nship

Oa t'ae first \ion6.R-j of July 1828, 5£lt Creel: Town- ship v/c-,s :"or::i-3d. Tiie na-ie .;as c;ian.r,ed Lo Jackson Jr.nuc-.ry 5, 1829. There are about t./enty square .r.iles in ohls to.vnsnip.

There p.re six ce.iieteries in Jaci-ison to.vnship:- IKi. Lit. Healthy ..'.etnodist in the S ".Y l/A of Section 'j>6 , on. Road 58, 1 1/2 miles north of V.'ayaiansville ; V/hibe Creek :.Iethodist, in Section 8, about three .niles east of V/ayuans- ville, on t.ie v:ay_iansYille - Jonesville hoad; Sutnerland Gen - etery, just off Koad 58, about 2 1/2 miles south /est of V.'ay- mansville, in S '.; 1/4 of Section lo; '.Vaiyuiansville Lutheran Cemetery in V.'ay:,iansville , .. V.' 1/4 of Section 11; ..icLaus-ilin Ceiaetery on a high hill v/est of V.'ay-iansville ; a ra.^ily plot on Rotert Far:^ 1/2 laile south of V.'ay.nansville on o.ie Seyaour Road.

The l.IcLauGhlin Ceaetery --iS-S recorded oy hrs. Franl: Aldenhagenj Sutherland by i.irs. Clarence C-raffa; and z,he z-a:2l- ly plot by Frederic Rotert Jr.

UcLausnlin Ce.:.e-ory

l/A ::.j.le v/eot of '('ay-ihasville Recorded by J.rs . Zlizabcoh .^klaen-ia^en

Triis Ce..ietery is very old and has been abanaon.d -ic..ri-j years.

liary, dau. of Joiin and ..lalissa llcLaucnlin D. July 1^:,1349

iine 11 iQO . lialissa ^IcLau^Jilin, consort of John,D .^u^. 10jl330 ..^e 24yrs

John ?. Aobbe Sr . B :.;ar. 2,lol7 D 1875

Joseph Critciifield D ::ay25,l353

i.'.ary 0rltchfield, late v/ife of 1^'rancis Crin D June 25,1360 ^.

A^e 42yrs. Dr. '.Villia:!! .'illen D 1396 A^e 55yrs.

Laura Allen D l5yl

Sa;auel Alien D 1877

August .illen D 1379

Johnson Corcell D 1362 ,v~a 42yrs.

Rebecca Gordell B llay 1,1353 5 Sept. 9>l373

a-Iorgan :.IcClurej son of i^ndrov/ ana ...ary D 1849

Catherine I.IcElroy D 1352

i-Iargaretj -.vife of Isaiah VTatliins D IS53 ^>.'^e 39 yrs. Infant son of I and ..I V/atl.ins D I85I A^:e 3da.

iiary J. Liar shall, e.eu-r-ef D ^ug. 29,1353

Llartha :iarshall, dau. of D.:^. and S. D Dec. 13, 1353 j.se 3yr

Richard Britton 3 Sept. 26,l3l5 D ..:ar .31, I85O

Sarah ?. i.'LOore D Jan. 2,1863 Age l8yrs 5-io.

Clarissa, wife of '.V. H. Burnet D Dec. 25.1335 ^-Z^ 35yrs.

Cnarles Oscar, son of K .'d . and h.L.i'linfiey 1874 - 1375

Lemuel, son of V<":a. and E. Loch D 1345 A^e 8;:iO.

Isisel, son of Jacob ana ..1. Ho.vbert D Jan. I3'^r5 Ase 17yrs.

Eliza J. .:arshall D Sept. 1853 .-^.^e jJOyrs.

:::ary, dau. of J.R. and R.L.i'itcn D. Oct. 1353 ^^'Z^ lyr.4jio. V/illie Fitch D IS63 .130 lyr.

''<illiaa R., son of Cr..^. and S.A.yitch D July 9,1853 --C.e 17.-'^' ^liza::.eth C, dau. of C-..w and E. a .Fitch D Jan. 20, 1351 .-3- 7 ^arah J., dau. of G.... and E.A.Pitcn D Sept. 1847 ,.-^e Ida.

Cl"r? :\ , J dav.. o"^ n-,^-^.-- .0-. t.p -i ^ ,^ ^-, -, r -i- ^^.•;rr>iT_ T) i,8'^3 .■■-•■e 1.0'^ -^-oy daue,'' ■' " " " " ^. loco A^e loyro.

I.IcLau^'hlin Ce.^ctery coni.inuo

Joseph Cool?y D i'.'ov .3>l3o7 .^^e •^5y--^« Reuben Cooloy D cept.2,l3A3 .i^s yrr-s. ^s^o. John ",7. Cooley D Sec. 11, 134;, ..^e 2yr'3.

."ar-aret '.Vac-^-er B 1322 D 139^.

Theoc'.ore Gri.-)ies 3 .lex .9, IdOO D Jc.r. 12,1342 Rebecca Grimes 3 1803 D July 23,ldO;)

Faaily PloL on Kotert ?ar;a

Olive Patterson 1303 - D Oct.6,lo4'9

Lorry Fatterr-.on 1343 D Sept.. 24,1345

John Patterson 1795 3 x%pr. 27, 1851

Williasa Pati.erson 1326 D Feb. 6,134^

Cassandra Patterson Sept. 21, 1320 - Jan. 16,13:59

Henry Patterson Feb. 1,1803 - June 3,1335

Levina Dever 1320 - D Apr, 27 j 13:^3

lillizabeth Smith ..pr.7,l334 - .-.pr . 19,1353

'<7ife of .Voel xHlioda Jan. 22,1831 - Jan. 12, 1359

Recorded by Frederlci: r.otert Jr.

Cortland., Ina. iv.R.

5ilva 'Jriaei l8o7 - l^^-l

/innie llaridoii lc35 - I^ June 10,189::>

i.Iary iiult ^^.u^^. 25, lo3A - Jt.a. 25,l6:>'i^

Geriru'Ie .-^uIl .lc.y:.l, IvOo - Oct. 26,190/

Jason L . Ault Uov . 2,lo9^ - July 11,1ci^-:j

Jary r.ult liar. 29, 1892 - oept.^,1911

Val Ault 1355 - 1936

i.Iartria V/eeiily l84o - 1924

V.P.Ault 1833 - 1383

Jason Harvey x.Iay 13>l3:,'0 - July 20,lo96

Leroy .^i. Phe^ley D Jan. 11, lo>'C ^x^^e loyrs. , 10..iO.

Infant .ion of J.„..i.ult 3 a ;d r June 2'^,1zj':)2

'■.VilliaLi J. Bro./n D Jan. ■^■,1923 ^je r7yi'-s. ,o..io. , 20aa.

Adalina Harvey 183:-' - D July 16,1921

Lsonc.rd Harvey :,'ov. 19}l3:;6 - Llay 6,1:>'08

Jacob Sddy D Oct. 31, :i£e 35yrs. 9.'^o. 29da.

Jaaes Phe^ley _.ay 10,l3l9 - be pt. 13, 1839

William Ault Oct. I2,lt^24 - Sept . 22, li;04

Ezra ?her,ley Oct. 1^,-03 - Dec. 2y, 1:>*03

V/ilii£,:a H. .4.ult :.pr. 23, 1854 - .-^pr. 13 > 19^9

Kheba J. ^ult .).pr.30, 183>' - 6ept.2o;l9l7

-^elvina ;.ult l.ov. 25,1863 - Juno 2'^'-,l872

.■a.-icy Calhoun .:ov. I6,l3l6 - Lgc . 21,1874

^lii'.aoetn 3ro m L -iUQ. 2^i,l8o3 ^^z^ 'r^yrs. 2.;iO. , l':3da.

•■'illia.a 8ro./n Oct. 30,1800 - ..ar.2o,lj^a

Ke corded by ..irs. Clureace Grixffp.

Silas Sutliorland 2ec . ^2,lSl,'^ ~ .;ov . 12,l8:>6

Sthel ..U.y MoYls D. .lov. 20, lovO .-.r;,e 3:" r-t:. 11 _o. Ic^a.

Barbara Gri eb D Dec.l7,loS'2 .^;^e 62yr£. 2.ao.

/ida:a Grleb D .;ov. lA,ldj5 ii^^-e boyrs. , :;'..;o . , iSda.

Koslna Grieb D l-.'ov. 13,l-'3l .-^r:e ITyrs., 2..io.,llda.

Geor-^e il . Grieb D Ju.:e o,l873 -'je l6yrs. 9-:iO.,lo6a.

Eva Grieb D .^ipr. l,l3oo .n^e l5da.

iidam Grieb D .lar.22,l3o5 .^^.^e oda.

".Villiaa J. Grieb D ..lay 6,l3o5 ^i^ l;iio. lOda.

Chester S. Flutan .:ar. 12, 1^,-07 - -lar. l6,lblO

Ja.nes a. Ault 1862 D ..prj 1 1937

jlary E. Burns ^.U5.A,1837 - Ja.n. 13>1'329

Ja.Qss 3ui-ns Sept. 13, 1530 - D. June 7jli^01

".Villiarn ?. Burns Juae 13,l36A - Jan. 29,1869

Ja:aes V;'. Croucher lvil2 - 1395

2lar£:aret a. C roue her I- 18 - I9OO

Alvenia Gladys rIarYeyl902 - IS'OA

Ca-iilla Gould D Feb. 1,1 936 ..^-e 65yrs.

Albert :,i . Day l3::o - 1936

iCatie J. Slc,ter ..'ov .24, 1S:;9 - iiov.3jl903

".Yillia:.! H. olater June 4,1837 - -^ay 24,1922

Lonnie ^. jiyres P6G-.-26-J'an. 4,1679 - June 23,lb;;01

Daniel R. Ayres 7eb. 26,1833 - l-'eb .17, 1930

Susanna Ayres r^ay 18,1859 - Jan.ll, l:;^Jl

inri.nt son oT Georj^e and r:ila Loc/-.:ian D li^'O;;

.It.ry --.nnie ..Ic.ain D iept, i3,l,'3-; .-._e 7oyrs. , >'.'..o ,loi^a

•John 6. Calnoun I^ec. 1,1832 -

Lissie Calhoun Se-'t . 13, 13:^:; - i;ec.l,l::92

Fearlie J. Calnoun .'obi 1::, lo:o - ...3.r . 21, lo>!4

'w'illif. .1 h. ^i.l.ioUii 13-'.- i - 1-^5

.^inerv- Harvey D ..e.v. lv,V:)^^ ^^e -byrs. , ; ...o. , ^'^Ci..

J&^63 .Jcl.iaasy I'eb . 2-^^, l3 J_. - _„rol,li;06

Cao:iarine ...CAl-ney Jc.:i. 2-, I^^jjO - ^wr.-),l;lO

-.ary v. -c.iinney r> ..lay ^a^^^^:- -.^e 71yr. . , ri,:o., i:w.

Elisabeth Rut an r'et). o,l:;-';J - ^.^.r O; lo^o

..Vrc\h£M Kiny.n Oct.. y: ,1ZZC. _ ..i\^. ^D, l-l?

Barua-a 3. rMitaa :: . Oc^ . 6,1:7^ -je l^yrs. ...-o., 12cc.

Joseplius Rut a- July l,loo9 - :io::t . 3, 1370

.-ary :. . .Hu":an I'e^st o, loo r - ..^-rr. 13,lSo6

...arlon Rutan 33pL.3,l3or - 3ept . 21, 136:^ oa.auel .-iyre-, 1345 - l3/0

.:ary ^yreii iBoi;; - l:;-22

Locliey ^. . .iyres l3cy

ii'upha jJ . .-.yr-es 13^7 - 1371

aeor^,^ Du...: - ..>■;;. --,13:::: ..y: 23-^3.

Cr-.v _:. Ri..: iiny ...i^.23,l,v2 - ^eyi,.lo,l.^J

iieoty 3. RcRinnoy Jur.e 3,loo7 - ..uy. 12, 1;"::3

Radl-on R, Sc-^-i. R Ruy. 2C,137C' -.^e 4.,.o.,4-a.

Dsasie Rooro ..ar. 22, 13-R^ - June lR.l3-a

.C^- 16,13^2

-^■iA.-iaa R. Roore Ju:;e 22,lo73 - Rov.5,l391

-artaa 3. Scot-t D Dec . l6, l3:>i3 .^.ys l3yrs. 2...0. , 21c.a.

-'S....ey 0. booot .i';.-- . ^^, , "i 3"i^ - "j^-t "i ^' -^^ •■'^h

"-larissa Scott, Ja:i.l2, l3^':-4 - Rec. 22,1920

••illia.a Ru.:n Ja.i.l,l3o2 - ..uy. 3,1^01

-''■^^'-''■-"^- '^al3.oun ?_333 - l''0 7

--aoil-a ou:,;:crlariR OctI 2'': , lolo - „ay26,1^0-;

'-'Ui- -:o

--^ii:x ..ov.l-Mcj:// _ Ri.G.20,io^:

?lc-.i.iock to/r-cl-l;- ./:.6 or-^a.-.lze-c .ic.y 11,1824. r.iid Lo./a i:'iip cor:\;i-lti?s t.bout ^ •e^.v.y-nl.'-o or..av^ ..'.Iz^o.

Six co;.i-3t-eriei h;-.ve "Dsen liBLed. ...t . bidney is nortliie^t of bo. Louis Ci'o-^sin^, in osct.ion i>.'. Flauroc> Baptist Ccietei-y is ..'esi. of Cliff ora on j'lat-roC;: r\iV'c;r. 'f.-is is in tne S'.7 l/M- of beo^ion 3)0. LiD.-rt-y Ce_:eLery is bouth./cot of Clifford in zhe IfZ; corner of cr.e ;;1:^ l/A of Section 31. Tn? Cox ja;;.ily Oo-icterj is on one fta'a p./ned by „'.rs , .-.nna Spau^^n

in 1940. T'ne Connoj

:lot is nortr^east of St. LcL;is

Crossing on the 3a.rtnolo..ie-.v-S:iel'Dy Co'ani,y line . The farm v/as o.vned by 'Zc. Kiefer in ly-VO. f'ne i'liayer l''a.:.ily burial .ground is southeast of St. Louis C'rossin^i on the far-.a of ',;illi&^ Rosers.

There are {^raves of sor^e v/est bound travelers near 2d ..iarr's farr.i. Tiiere are -soine Indian bui-ials in :nis to-vn- ship, according to Leonard Thayer, Coun'cy .i.uditor.

lit. Sidney '.■/•as recorded oy .irs. Grace Poland Dodd; the Cox family plot by .Irs. «nna Spaugh; an^^ i;ie Flatrock baptist Cemetery by .frs . Laura ;^'ix.

FLATROc: r^»?ri3x cri;.../.!':::.^

Tile ^if.tr^oc:-: Brptit^t Church .vas or':.;i'.:iiz,ed. rcoru

10,1821 iind joined -che ...ssociation in l3ji2.

Peter Snicl-^r " 1822 - 16^6

Cat-herine 3;iiaer, ,'ii'e 1323 - 1^,02

Vi'illia-:i 3nlc^er D jeb.l3j.3 .-^-e 33yrs.

Jacob Bo-jd 18^'iO - 1>06

A'ancy Boyd, v/ife 1854 - Ib^lo

Ser-iseant J. C. Boyd Co.h 53d Ind.

Tully Ciuick 3 1335 11-12 Ind.

Lev/is Aiken 1352 - 1920

Lettie Aiken D x.'ar. 13-? .-^^e llyrc.

Henry Fouskt 1833 - Is' 20

i.Ialis£;a ?oust,-.7iro 1843 - i>'l3

Susanna ..IcFeek, wire of S.Z.hcPeek I80I - 13^0 Hother and father oT Susanna - no .-la.ies

Dorcas G. ?ouiit, v/ife of John l3p4 - 1390

Geor5e Cook .D Sept. 1332 .-.re 37yr3.

V/ife of Geor-^e Cook - na.:ie and dltes not legible,

Sarah Jonos, v/ife of U.S. Jones D I3u3 ;.z^ 3oyr3.

Korilla, ,vife of Ediaond Chaabers l3o5 - Icjyy

John filler D hay 2,1364 .^^e 42 yrs.

Elshana Bollen D ..lar. 6,1368 ^ce 38yr3.

:;iinnie, dau. of G.n. and G. Cook D l83o ^^,~e 4yrs.

Charlts Pancake, son of ^avies and Sarah D I832

Bannara Hayv/orth, v/ife of J.D.H. D 13:^3 .-.^;5 26yrs.

Allen V/atson, son of P.P. and L. D I863 ^.r:e l8yr3.

Albert hiller I8''i2 - 1S*14

Lucinda, ,/ife of a. hiller 1350 - 1921

Telitha Pancake 1840 - 1911

albert Pancake 3 1857 Death no^. recorded

-ilia, v/ife of .^J.bert Pancake 1337 - 1^03

Giles Pancake 1333 - i860


'-^U^^ii io-y


Flatrook Ce...Goery cnLinueo.

Joseph Carter l.,10 - looy

.laliiida, ./ii'e oi' J. Cr.rt^r 1320 - I'^OO

Sterling C£.rter D. 1354 ..-e 33 yra. 3ar=:i, ./ii'e ox" o. Cc-.rter D 133-^ --^30 73 yj's.

Sterlin.s Carter, son of S. and 5.

/s.llc-:i Carter 1307 - l3b^6

Jane, .rife Ol .>. . Garter D 1349 .-.^e 34yrs.

Geor.'?e, son of ^. and J. Carter D iB^o r.^e 2yr3. ::alinda, dau. " " " " " D 1333 A^e 11 yrs. Tileh:r.on,30n " '" " " " D I836 - 1347

Abraha'.n Gonce D IS3I A^e 3071"'^

Celia, .vife of /i . Goncs D l3o7' .-^1.56 67yr3.

J. R. Gonce D 1337 --^5^ 32yrs.

Joseph i^ I.'elson ]:332 - 1857

John Preston Sutler, son of Jo'an. and Ta.:ua.r D 13^1 ^jxe 7yrs

Sa:;iuel likens D 18::;0 .-k^e i2yrs.

Emily, consort of Johnij.han B.ass D lo43 Arte 22. yrs.

/Liaanda Pancake

j.Iary Catherine ?anca-:e, dau. of Isaac 1337 ~ 1332 Isaac, son of Isaac Pancake I827 - 1835

Elizabeth .-^r.n. Pancake 1325 - 1827 Harriet Pance.ke 1827 -

Bushs,:iia Bass, consort of k'athan D 1353 A^e /oyrs.

Cnarity, consort of Obadiah Sins D I836 -^v^e 23yrs.

Susan, consort of k'athan Owens D 1343 .-.^e 37yr's.

:iaua, wife of Charles Curola D I3y7 -^-^e 23 yrs.

Kancy A. Ada.'p.s 1343 - I3y6

..lai'tha, v/ife of ".Villi a. n Card 1350 - l3o3

'.Viliiaji Oard 1326 - 1330

Grandraa Oard, born in 3at..eba,..:aryland D 1333 -^C® •^9yi^2«

John ...ark.land D 13 f 3 .-.re 51yi-'S.

^^atilca, dau. of Robert Ciise 1354 - 1355

iiaraii Jane, consoi't of Robert Case, ana dau. of Ja:.ies anc

?latr'03^: Ce-.:etcry contijiued

..iatilda Zerelda., co::soi-t of Kotert- Case c.nd dauG'.itei' of Hobort, 5i:as 1:326 - 13:^0

Harry Tiieodore, son of r.ocert and ..latii-^.a Case

Liary Anne, v/ire of Jona '.lariland D 134>' John ..larklaad 132-^ - l3-r>'

ThOuias l.Iarl.lar.d D l84l .^^e ^3yrs.

Willi c-.Ti, son of Thonas ..Ira'kland D Id^A .-ihe 22yr3.

Bas..iB.ra --^ay.vorth D 13^3 .-.rre 2ojr6.

Adarj Cook 1791 - 1877

Catherine, v/ifG of .-xde.::i Gook 130:^ - 1333

x-iar^arst Patterson, :iii'e of V.'illic.-ii 1331 - 1333 Cat:ierine, dau. of '..'.a. ar^a nar^.areL Patterson 1333 - lo33

Ida II. '.Tard, v/ife of Jolin D 1593 ■■■^je 3oyr3.

John J. Dau-.u 1843 - 1^*19

Elizabeth I^aun 184 r - 1902

Thomas L. UcO^ueen 1839 - 1332 Phoebe L. ..Icfueen 1339 - 1332

John 'il . Cooler 1833 3 li,'06

.aary G. Cooper 1839 - l!>'l3

J-L-IIC'-^ueen 1842 - 1916

uary :-'. i.lclivane 13^4 - Ib^l^^

Ja'aes :.I . F.ichardson 1847 - 1932 I'far.cy Richardson l84y - 1903

ivev. ?].:■:. Pond 1833 - li^l3

klary 3 . Pona I836 -

Lev/is ^ihen 1332 - 1^20

henry i'oust 1833 - 1923

iieliasa ?oust 1843 - l:;l3

Henry Doup 1832 - lyl4

Uiranda Doup 1833 - lyil

Ed^ar Doup l8po - l3o>'

Sallie Doup 1853 - 1926

V/illia.i! Bolton Co.?: 86th Ind. inf.

John Q,. O-.v-ns l8^i3 - l^Oo

...elii-.sa E. 0,7-ns 13dj - li.a3

Cyr:thiar'ii^e of H. Fe^-i^"^ Tl]i''^ 1o-h9

yiati'-oc!: Ce.;.etery cintinuod

Ja::ies P?nca:.e ldj"'i- - 107©

V/ii*c- of JDss:,h Bozzvll 13:£>' - 16^5

Louvinfi. Carter 13C4 - IS'::/^

Sarah Carter lolo - lb-01

Ruhan.-ia Sir.is 18:)1 - 19-0

Jaue3 SoU'lers, liusoand of Elizabeth Soakers l3.-^7 - I833

Heni-ietta, v/ife of 3. Cosby lo23 - 1333

Elizabeth, ./ife of x\uben Hay-'oruh loiO - 13h-7

'.Vlllia:;i h. x-iay. forth 1840 - lcS55

Janes oulcK 1830 - 1379

iJe.rL.:a Zllen Q,uick 183-i - 1>03

Tunis ^uick 1797 - 1333

Susannah ?„uick I0O6 - loo4

..11 ss Hannah Quick 1833 - 1931

Simeon Boas 1822 - loi.'2

IJary, .vife of S. 3oaz 1822 - 1889

Eliza, .vife of Thoi.ias Bonnel 1303 - 1345

i.iartha, .afe of o^.S.Houser 17i'7 - 1517 Llary J.,, vife of J.S.Houser 1323 - 1337

V/orden Jones 1822 - 1323

Celia, v;ife of './ra. 3. Jones 17y2 - 1323

V/illia:a S. Jones 1790 - 1373

V/ilson Jones l._.l3 - 13o::j Sallie, .-/ire of ".7:n. Jones 1300 - 13/5

Elizabeth, v/ife of Jos:epn VarL.leter 13::>0 - lo32

Sara, v/ife of Rev. Ji^non 3oaz 1792 ~ l8-i-9

Frances, v/ife of li'athaniel Owens

Eunice, -.vife of Joseph Crane 1790 - 1337

Lucjnda Crane - l3lo

John V/ilson 17o6 - 18^^

Hanna.h, v/ife of John Wilson 17>'7 - 1333

Sidney Ce.'.etory

.In :^lc,tro'?v x'o-.-nsliip

hecoi^ded by Gr^.cc Pol^.nd Dodd John ii-vin soluior 18-^0 - I'^'yO oa.iiey, oon of aoove ld('7 - ioo^ Harbor infant lo^z, _ 1^04 cnild of "I .SP . and ..: . .iarbor

ilrs. Verlie .io^an D 1937 .\r;;e 44 JohnsOxi Ho^an 1842 - lij22

Hetoie xio^an iS-o - 1931

Andre v/ J. rio^an lo/'O - I6o0

David CrosDy D Idol soldier

I'Irs. Rose Arrj.ons D 1936 ,xr^ 44

David Srvin 184^ - soluier

211en A. Iirvin 1847 - 1-22

Grace E . Q,u3ry 18:^9 - 1900

Clarence Q,uer-y - 1901

Glen D. Query 19O8 - I9O9

Henry Q,uery Jr. I836 - I938

Rettia ?. Q,uery 18/0 - I921

.ill ton '..'oods D 1932 ,,i;e 45

David V/ells

A.:iios Crosby D 1852 .".ge 18

Jo Siiua Crosby D 1358 ^.ge 51

Jo Shu s Crosby D 1862

Sarah V/arner

Jaaes Cheat 5.T. D 13''47 .-Lj-e 20

.Jordan Jones D 1838 '^^ge 25

Ja:aes V/. Layman I850 - ld56

i Hutn J. Lay.vian I83O - 1875

■Jaues C. Lay-ian 1832 - lo93

\Sarah - Lay.aan I850 - 1906

.■iirt,a ..Icllinney

John Stevens D 1935 Are 77 -eralcine .ioel D 1^35 ^je 24

^^.J.Foffinber-er D 1936 .'v^-ie o2

^;illia.a D. nupsrt Iood - 1922 I'loyo. , pn--^, n;^ •■;-,r-, : ..^..... t -^ ^ i "-.n

"^-J> -0:i Ox ■' •' '' i^^,p _ j^T__L

Sidney Ce..:eLar;- continued

John J-. .-.ndrev/s D l3dl .i-o i'O

Ii.ri'ie Turner liro - 1^24

lialzo .indr-2v/s D l3,'o solaier

Slon .^nare-,7s i: 1873 ,,_e ^

Ida ..:. Cool: D louO

Elon Andre .vs 18:)3 - l3r.'^' soldier

Anraline /indre ,;s 13^7

Flora Ste-JCird D 1834 a e 10 ;io.

Auiie Ste./a.rt 13^2 - 1^-06

Henry jraniilin Ste'/art 13 hv - 1932 Nancy Jane :JtG-.;art 13d5 - lioO

George ii . Sio/zart I3l9 - I036 Livonia Cool: bLev/art 1324 - I9II

i'.ndrev/s 53r-d Ind. Inf. t.ol.;ier

ivlary Andre -./s l30o - loY5

Henry C. ^ndre-.^s D 133j3 ..-e 3? soldier

Ja...es Terrel Sv^v ,.us.4,l9l3 - Jan. 31,1937 U.3.:iavy

liaz^y Jane Tolen 18::;6 - I9I0

Oscar Cox lo34 - 1936

Harriet J. Cox 18-^3 - 19:)o

George ',7. Ste.vart 13^2 - I9jl

Joseph H. Cox I873 - lj22

John H. Cox 1849 - 1-16

Lillian Cuerv H i co?


Recorded l">y ^i.n;ia .... Spt.ur.ii ..irs. Spauivh's ^'OthDr" -.'as a Co:-:

Daniel Co:-: loO? - 1S62 ..vo S-'iyrs. llno.l5d?..

(Grruidf e.^lier cf .i::ns ..: . Sp^.L^gh] r-ied froa typhoid i'ever Sarah .^nne DeVoss, .v: fe of Daniel Cox IvlO - I3y2

Sarah Co:-: V/ood, •.vi:"e of Ja;.:vS V.'ood

Tv/o daughters oi' S. and J. '.Tood I.'o .-arkers

Jeffery, son of J. and i: . Cox Ibll - 1543

Solo;;ion Q,u2i'y 173- - D Ji.n. 2'j,l363 ^^:^ ySyrsono.Jlt..

Jeffery Co:c 1770 - D July 27,1353 ..32 c8yrs.21da.

Solo:non Co:-: 3ept.lo,l322 29,l3'^:-2

Jose-rh Co:'., spa pf .i. and .'. . Cqx x-.'^o 3yrs.20da. "Reui&:^39r ..le as you pass by; As you are no.! so once "..'as i ; As I ar^ no\! , you ./ill ioon 3e ; Prepare for death £.:nd follo'7 ...e."

(died rroai sfl:-.l:e bite.)

John Cox 17'jy D Juiie 2,1363 .-^.^e 63yrs.7;-.:o. Elizabeth Cox 17j7 D l^^eb. 25,13oO ..,^e o2yro. A„.o.

V/ashinston V.'ood Jan. 1,1840 - Jan. 9, 13^3 Andrew J. V.'ood 3ept.31,lS44 - Oct. o, 1344

Infant dau. of .-illen and Rebecca Galliox D Sept. I6, 1844

Sally, dau. of ^. and i:. V/ood ...ar.l3,l-:l6 - ..:ar.l5. 1852 ^zfi 3


Edv/ard Tho;;:pscn husoaiad of Ja:ae Zo:-i D 1895

Probably last bui-ial here.

Jary Anne DeVoss Qui lien

sister of 5&.rah -c».nne DeVoss Cox

Cn i.ovc. fiber 12,?^d21, V.-cyne i'ov/noaip .Vi.s es';.r.b- lislied. I'll! £- ■.".■a.s i,he second to..-ni:iip esi.aolisaed in the County. It coritiiins r.bout i"C)rt.y-i--8vcri square ^liles of terr- itory.

The ce;nc't-jries are 3ethel Baotist in Section i'i . Par-cJ eck Ce..ietery at Jonasville, in Section 3; the Jones- villo l.lethodist Ce;netory; Strin^^er ir'a.r.ij.y Ce.^etei'y in Sec- tion S; the Dau^herty Ce-Jetery in Secxion 13; and ^ne '.Vhite Creek Ger;;ian Lutheran Cemetery in SecLion 10.

Bethel Ce.aetery ./as recorded by .-inna and I-lath-

ryn rleagy; Pardieck 'oy J.rs . Rella C-. Katton; c-nd the Strinr:e\''

Fa;aily plot by Jrs. l.Iey S. ^rbuGiile and ,..rs. Leona Davis.

STKIrlG^R Fi^.lxLY

northwest of Jonesville

Fletcher P. Stringer, son of V/;:!. and .-i.nna IS-^^ - l36l Elizabeth, dau. of n;ii and Loretta Stringer l83o - 1363

Amelia, " " " " " " l33o - l3ol

Slsie, " " V '-' " " l3oJ - Idol

Jessie, " " " " " " l3o3 - l3o^^

Lla-y Games ISJA - 1379

V/illiam A. Stringer, con of R.VJ. and ..i .2 .Stringer

Sarah i.i.,dau. of A. and G. llcLoney 1637 - 13 A5

Richard Carnes, son of Robert ana. -lary

V/illieJQ Stringer

Anna Stringer

Isaac, son of ".LI. and ^nna Strin--.er l32y - l8i;>'

John B.," " " " " '• "^ id5o -

F.P.S. .......

Sarah :..a'x-'ia, dt.u. of Sli and Loretta Stringer


Elizabeth, .vife of Isaac H. Boggs 1310 - 13^9



J0--;Z57I1.L:i^ Jj.. aes 3:Tilth June 23,lotl -- Jan. 11, looo

Vienr-j S-.;,ith I.'ov. 25, 1S2-- 0 Oct. ^^^iBo^r

Sarah J., vlfe of Jacob Hill D Jan.;;3,lS63 a^o 3-yi'-3. ll.-.o.l

Lilly J. Hill D lc63 .-vcs 13yr-s.3.?.o.l9i.la.

Johii o. .-1111 D .:ov. 1,1862 ^^'^e 2.:io.

.iissouri l-'.jdau. ox" J. and 3. I'O'jtsey D ...ar.''T, iSoO

V/illiar.i, son of H. and 2. SrniLh D ^..pr . 5, 13:>9 .^^ lyr.lao.17d

Jaines C. Youtsey D Feb. 9,153° ^--s^ 26yr3. S'-iiO.l^da.

yillisjT. T. son of J. and L. Sniith D Dec. 13, 135^ .^-C^ loyrs.i^-a

Jack S:3ith, son of Joan ana Luc^n^.a Suiith Jan.l3,l3-T4 - Jan.lo,lo4o

Jolin Smith, husband of Lucinaa Jan. 13, 130? - .:ov.4,l343

V/illie.y;i H. Crunp Born Dec. 22 F.P.Crunp D July l8,lo39 -Gs ':5;


Burns Co. 21 53d ind. inf.

David Shua.vay D reb. 23,1343 .^.^e 69yr3. ll.;io. l4da.

Cnarlott-e ,dau. of Ste -chen and Louisa lie soia D Sept, I3,ic.4l .-^.^e s-T.o.lOsa,

I\''j-.;ton 3hiKx.-ie.-j D I:ov.l0,l349 .-..^e cyrs. :y..io.l3da.

Pertiielia Shurav/ay, :ixte of Lorenzo D .-.pr. 20,1845 .^^e 35yrs.5-n

Charlotte Larrii-on, a native of i.'e'.v Jersey, D .i-us.26,l845

Age 50.

Cellnda, consort of David Oc^.-eraan D June 15,1339 or 1339

A £6 35yr3.23v-a.

Louis i-.bell, corsort of Cudv/ith D. i:ov.l6,l343 ^i-ze 31yrs.csr:.


Karvey V.'right D Jan. 15,1342 ^c^ 13yrs. 9-^-0. 7da.

John S;_ith Feb. 17, 13-0 - July 15,13-^3 .'inanda 3..iith ..lar.4,l333 - Sept, 1'-, 1335 Susan onizh Dec. 20,1331 - Sect.3,lo33 Zilp:.h S:nith Sept,3,lo30 - July 17,l'-33 John 3. S:;iith, son of ..'oah J. and J. S.aith

L'^r i ji

?^kr.r;Il']3:l Z'rl.^.l-:2'j.~\£. coifiinuod

,ill5.an .i. Holnc:n Sept .24, 1 ,^17• - .^eo. 25,18^-5

" Upon .^7 dyin^ pillo.7,1 do never uL=,h to yee

*i. tear of riief drop fro-i f.n e;"e ,

As sued alone .'or .ae ; " .-^nd at ;:/'■ rr&//e it it; ::.y ilsh, that all s-ould cl ful be ;

V/nereas on earth I've done no good,

I v;ish no -niserv."

ij^j^ .i../J_j >^.j...^_^rv.X.


Recoi'eod by .-i.azia c^nd .lathr-yn r'ea^

Isaac FJaclcn Co. li: l8th Ky . Inf.

Ella, cau. of I. and C. lia^len D ^.pr-.l?, Ivi-O .._e lyro-'oOda

Jesi.e Jachson, son of V,'..-:. and H.J.Jarrett D ^i.ri". 21,18 ^^^O ^2^ 2:ao. 23 da.

Llollie, v/ife of J .;V .Overman .-.ug. 51> iSoo - i:ov.l5,l892

i.Iariah L. Harden D 1932 A^e 92;;,^r5.4;do.24da.

Thonas, son of D. and ..1. Harden

Nancy '.Vatson D l8c.2 Dec. 29, .-».se lOyrs.Ajio. 29da.

Henry Snith Dec.l9,lol9 - July 2, 1334 Angeline Snith /eb.l;',l82l - ::ov.5,1910 Charlotte 3..ut,h 1390 John E. Smith 1336 - 1901 John C. Snith 1343 - 1924 i^ary Sraith 1834 - 1916

Charles Huff. nan IS36 - l^^O? Caroline ..'. . Huffman 1834 - 1937

'.7illia:n Castner iSro - 1935

Donald S.^eeney D 1924 ^i^e 4yrs.3.no.6da.

Cora ..:. Heiner D 1836 Ai^e 2yrs. 9^-0.12da. Infant Heiner 1836

'Sleep on, 3-.7eet babe and take thy rest;

-God ca.lled thee home, He tlnought it cest." Leonard P. Heiner Dec. 17, 1330 - ^iug. 22,1903

Barto Bailey l3ol - 192ci

Allen Bailey Jan. 17,1831 - Seot. 13,1901

Sarah Bailey, ,vife of Allen D .-.^r-. 1, Iryo i.ge o4yrs. 2..1.0. 20da.

Jennie Bailey, dau. of .^. and s". 1372 - Io^j

A loved one has 'cpwe froa our circle, On earth v/e shall see her no .^oxe;

She has £-,onc lo her ho.uo in .leaven

.'ind all her afflictions are o'er." Annie D., dau. of .^. and S. Bailey D Juno 27,1333 .--Ge iSyrs.

Levina '..'olf, v/ife of Hiciiard D Sept.l3o6 - ..re -jyL'J'^'^' Kichard '.Yolf Co. C 202 Fa. Inf. b'i331


Danif;l "..' . :lo:.rv l3'^3 - 19?^

Catharine a. :iea^^ 13-6 - 1955

01iV8 ;.I.,c.au. or D.'..'. and C .>: .l-lea;^' lSo>' - 19:>7

Alcha .-vlice, dau. oT D."..'. a:id C .:. . neajy l3o3 - li'17

j/.aYiNi. sen of " " " " lo7o - 1332

G,}i-.MeK-^y-i^T-^> - . -

Eva Blanche, dau. of " " " " 1371 - 13::- 2

■>Va Hi •-...; D. /.orton ::■ Oct. 3,1369 .-.r;e 70/rs. 9_io. 22da. "Oh, truly no'cle , su^i^^rior to thy hind; In lifcillistrious, -.nd in aeath sublijie."

Lieut. r^.J.horton Co.G 33d ind. Inf.

/.nna,v/ife of G .B .Piercef ield D Dec. 2A. 1373 A^-e 17yrs.lO-0. 20

also Jaaes ? . , son of C-.3. and .-^ . Piercefleld D Dec. 2'';-, 1373

I.Iorton Crider 1397 - 1932 Ind. Chauffun U .^ .Array infant Crider .-'eb. 20,1933

jica.ii VJolf l8ol - 1936

Lydia E. Pin^s l3::.y - 1936

Isou-i ^Jilharson Co 1-2 Cal. Cav. 1829 - 1907 iviarivaret, ./ife of I. "i7ili:er3on 1339 -

V/illiam R., son of Job and ILllcn Judd D I3o0 ^re 2yrs. >'..io.ll

Tho.ias ',7., son of C. and E. Pearce D Oct. 13,1'::563 .^e 2yrs.l

Vfillia.;n G . Sv/eeney 13:.4 - 1901 Lielissa ii . oviae.-.ei^ 1340 - 1903 Loses S'.vseney .i^je '>0 ^T-s. John A., son of ^1- and .1. ij-.ieeriej

Tena, -.vife of .-vouilla Lou D ..I?r. 27,1373 .^3® 39yrs. Aquilla Lou D Jan. 1, 1573 -'i^Ge ooyrs.A.jo. 20da. Elizabetli, /ife of .vouilla Lou D ii-u^. 20,l3::)6

Osoar, son of J./, and S.J. Stader D lo:;3

liaria Crabb, .vife of Charles D ^vu^. 139-!^ .^i^e oi^yr^.2-o.

narriotte ^idaline, dav.. of C. t.aa J. Crabb 1832 - la-jo

Sarah ..: . 'Jilson 13 A::. - ; 92A Joh^n .^^. '.Vilson 1351 -

"in loving re.:ie..-.orance , uone , Du o noKj i or-j-o o i^e n .

..larvin E. hcDonald 1932 - 1^32


.-:-r.i coriLiiiuod

Jolin Dec.ver 13'\,- - 1''J?A

-n.a:iie , cf-.u.oi Infr-.nt snn of

]rlic-.rt D cie


. x:ii£'.nt

;on o. r . i.:iri


Hi;a:;i?. Ullr-ry D ..'ov. 21, 1-02

'Hest, .."loi/'rior, .est m cuioL sl'-op, './hllG Trie: .1:1 s in soiro.v xoi- you ..'eep."

Holla liet.ooa 137 i - 19O3 :.iary .-».. He at o a l.-'-;2 - 15;;,'0 Olive .--ec.ton IcoJ - I80I L' a^' t o n r; e a t o n 1 o ,'6 - 1 o :>* 3

oaraii .^nr. zea^ty 1331 - l^'Oy Ja.aes 0 . See.tty j Icon

George, son of J. ".7. s.nd K. ..iatney D I66O ;

Ruth, .;ire oT T .J .5-./e^;:ey D ?eb.o,;:rYA ^K:eoi;yr3. 4..;o.l3da. 'Jearest --riendj ,/e iioce to ..:e-et Laee, V/hen the days oz'" life are fled, Then in ho^ivc-n .viLh joy to ^reet li-oGj "t'her-e no I'are./ell tec'.r 1g s.-iod.''

Segeant J.? .Xeanard Co .5: 22 Ind lu-i: . Lucinda :-en.isrd ?eb.4,l3^iA - ..:ar. 11, 1^'03 Charles Aen.iard June i:t,13o1 - Jan. 10-13 Joshua ?. Kennard .^.u.s- I4,l5'i0

..ias£-ic A., jife of iiustin l^aloy D au -.5,13^.2 ..-^e l8-rs.lO_-o.

Ralph, son oi" J .ll . and S. Vi'hittinjhill ..ar. 30,lo^'3 - Lee. 1

Dec/ 17, 13^7

Zelvenis Sv/eeney l3ob - lyOO

Sa.nuel I', haney ..:c'.r.4, 1827

Emily -l . Haney „ar. 1,1323 - :>n.?l,l?^-3

Jar^;aret V/alI;er D A-r . 20, "•-. -^ 0 .. t c3yro.

John w"alker 1344 - '.cor

Chjrles, son sr John -rue i.n.if Valker lb^4 - IS' 24

oteph?n Cor-niGh ..yr. IQ-^O ;;^9 53 yr3.3_.o.7da i'rodericl: V'ien?r't Co. 3 1C6 Chic -.;-3". iKiV.nt :.-.;. o.:* - .1 . srd C, Lee 7 Jan. 1^,1^73 Eli?.;-'., 'jife r:^f Tho;a:-'.3 Ur.'.-.rt L ^-- r. "3,''"'-'i •»

3-3. 131.,.

^7illn.a:n Dill 1^:?3 - 1^'13 Lizzie , Infant. l:i'i. of L. .^ Cl'-rTlr , '1-'-^ o" J .■^. ?^"-^ V-iJ

^:n3 J - 1^

_ > -

.ai^ry 'diner D :)?p^ .1:5, 1-02 ...j;e 33yr3. Levi :A} -^^r 'J ..iij.l^'jlSir^S- .i.^? 37 yra.

J'.C'.v.o. -Cr n.i/i/r'd. 1?79 " li?^'^

ij'rs.-i'3 1 .3 l.I ?3l'.:id 13'.',' - 19jr'5 L'lla f . ?ol;'.al 1352 - li;'.?7

0;ner :i . son o- J.li. -:::1 ^. "71ii~ "!:. j a iiili l^T'i - 1 -'ir'

Viillia;:i li . BGc^tty ..pr. 15,l3.-:7-:'^eb. y^lS^A

Hob9 r t "J . 3 e :-.t, 1 7 , 3 o .i of V

.»^o 2."'r . 2.riO . 1 '+ia.

liary 11, v/ifc cf V7n . li.Boittty 13-^0 - 192o

Alta, -:.au. of 3-3or-e and ^violla 3eatt-y 1334 - 193^

Theodore J . Srliart , son oi" i'ho.-:?.3 -..nd 2 .,:k Zriiart

aGG 17yr3.1:.io.llda.

Ho33lla Ullery D 1333 .-.■^e 3yr3 o^-o .7-^-' JoLin .^. Jli-^ry 1373 - 19^3

3ir3'iiie llurle"'' J J-jne 21,1395 ..."■e 17"r'3.1o .lo. 2la.

Dr. 3 .j' .la.ncaid 135- - 1913

John 3., son o- Join 7z,. and Z. Kel'h D ..lay 21, IjYo ..he 7o-a. ilizaoath H., 7i3e of Jon.n .1 . Aeith D June -7 > 1 330 .o_e Ikjr-s.

l:Iah-la, lau. of J. wid ./. Dill .iv.:>9j1392 - .. !3.29,1',0 Haz.81 Dill -/iie of Gail 3B,ldvan 1395 - 1>-15

Eli D. Thomas 1337 - 1393'

Harriette, .vife of 2] .D .f hoiaas 1333 - 1913

John 3. Harrison D 1377 --!-3e 327rs.5-io.llda.

Geor-e Ullery 1302 ^ 18^6 Uary ... Ullery 1311 - l33l Georr^e A. Uller-.' 1351 - 133X Dora Ullery 1354 - 192A

Jaroela, .vife of Green C. Ca;:-p'oell 1331 - 1352

Florence S. , dau. of J.'.V. anc. R. i.iatney D 1662 .».^e oyrs.A.'.o.

ba.rah, ./ife of '.T.n . 3eati.y D looA ^i'je Aoyr^.

\i . G . ne aL on C o . D ■^'-j 1 nd . i ni .


llB.n'i:rj , /Ife ?r John V.'Q.lLier D --i.'j.o' -'' » -•^■^- -■'..'^ ^'^."ro. j_,illio, d.;^u. of J. b^:i^- -I. './^.Iker 3 l.v-i .ij5 20/rs . ;:...o. j;. "..... J333-3, son ol J. -.x.ia .; . ■•j'aii'ier D De3. -^2,1^73 .^-^ lyr.ilio.

...a:i?.la Ci^rter 3 1376 ..je 23/ro. 11 ^o. l^.:.r..

?oliy -.n;: O.^le 1; 1;'.>6 .i.je 5,-o^. r3 .3 ..o. iJ..-'..

Infi.nt I>e!.\pr-30 D ^^u^. 26, \?ioh

wAr.rl?s li. :^raai27 D July 11,1935

albert J. Coopar 1363 - 1^13

Louis?., -.'ire o.' J ...1.3u^-i-:iers D l^ec. 27,1332 ...^[^e 39yr'o.r.apo.53s

3ij.ra:i, v/if^ oT Cf.lvin 3tone i:^ ..:a3.2,13o7 .-^3 33/rs.

Darius 3eatty l323 - 1919 „Iary Bot^t": 1333 - 1^13

Wa. A. Beaty 1373 - 1377

Daniel l^rhart, D 1372 ..30 71yr3.lO.;.o . 21a.

Esthei'' Erhart, .vii'e of Jo:-n. D lioo .^j^o 33yr3. 21^1:-..

li?-roll; ooa Oi J .j] . a.i-i .i .li-Tt,? vart. 1^31 - 1^'3:>

G.V.'.Svans Co .D 53 Ind. Inf.

Jar^/aret, /ife of ?; . Havrori D :iov. -^,1809 .-w^e 39yJ^3.5-':;o.51aj liariaii, dau. of Z. and ^1. liavron 3 Ja^.l'-!-, l3o^ .i^e 4..io.21da. Elijah Havron D :?'sD.l3 , 1373 .^'^^ l^Oyrd,l:^o. 23da.

rlarriatt, .vife of '.7 .H ..IcCoriaell

11,136:3 ..39 51yr-5

31iza33th V.'a^^on^i' xCinoade 1333 - 19^2

Jr. John i:incpde D J:=n. 11 l3^o ^-j^ 36yr3.ll 10. 23da.

Goor^je '/'. rioToef ieli Co.G 33 ind. Inf. 1343 - 1902 H.anaah -i . Pieroef ield ■13A9 - 1923

Job 3-73en-y 1326 - 1393 -.iary oA'^.bx^j 1331 - 1,'06

■iarah 7a:a^?3d^l 1311 - IOO3

Ja...?n ;i.:--:--^y l?o5 - 1P31

Forrect, eon of D. and U. Drinker ..or . 23,1913-Oot . 2, 1 jl3

Graonjury fho-ipson :o.D Ina.lnf. 13A3 - 1915 ^uoiada j:ho.:ip3on 13^1 - 19^5

bilr..3 Pin-^ Co .rl 1^3 i:id.Iaf. ~><i'iy^\\\x Julilvin .3aii Iido:; - li>^0

^evi C.Kuff startler 1376 - l^ai

iilir.a. .vi-'e O;? G.',/ .iii^rriajooa

.lary C, lobi-s 136 2 - 1^3 J

Jesse TobiaE 135-5 - 19.5^^

•aary /-.. , v/ife of John C. Tobias D June ?4,19C0 ...30 T-^ yrs.ll

;.'lay E., dau. of J.T. and L.L. Gaston D July l6,lo:0 ^^e 3yr3.

Effie, dau. of A. and L, . llaloy D June 2,1397 ^^::e -^yrs. lO.no. Ja.ass ..laloy Co.G 22 ind Inf.

l.iusiclan Cnarles C. Crabb Co.G 1^3 111. Inf.

nazel E.,dau. of :^. and H. Fra::er Dec. 22,1399 - 5ept.l-,l900

John Shroyer I872 - 1899

Emraa L. Jolley 1330 - 1399

Kobert Seatty l8-r3 - 1925 i,Iai-y Beatty iSio - I9O8 weldon 3catty lodO - 1903

oergeant rhoo.P. Cotton Co .i.I 7 Ind. Inf. x^lary Cotton '1851 - 1923

Curtis Sv;eensy 1393- 1933 Elizabeth S-.ieensi^ 1902 - 1925

Joseph l-Iuntsr Capt. Co ./i ind. Inf. 133'^ - I9O6 Margs^ret Hunter l3-'';-3 - 192',''

Siddy Stader 1335 - I-1O2 Silas Stader 1330 - 1902


i^a'''"nond Harrington 1901 19'^0

ilartln Hardin 13 '43 - 1912 1 saddle Hardin 134''' l-'OE"

Jesse Plercefield 1330 - 1914 ::aaoy J. Pieroefl 311^1337 - 1^13

George v;. Fi^ley 1873 - 1924 Laura .^. l-'iBley 1911 - I9l4

Harriet, v/ife of J. Stites

Daniel .laloy D July 20,1940 ..ve 69yr3.

Lydia I-;. Dunlap Sv/een^y l3--^6 - 1837

^.•nelia York, dau. of Z- .?., . e.iii. ^..;. l.-o7 - 1^59l Burr-Dl, dau. of :I . ana 1; . Kenaard June ^3,13-:. ~ Jul,

Early Sd.Tc.iAls D L937 ":;e 8A yrs Ilio. 25da.


Sr.nuel Hr.ll 13 '15 - 137'3 Jans a all 1345 - 192^^

Isaac H. Porter

A soldier brave, .1 brotjier O.ear, A noble son, lies ouri.^d '.lere. "Cnarles ".7 . , son of '7.:-:. and 3. Porter 3 l36l .i~e oyrs. Isaac V/., son of "!..i. and o. orter 3 iSo^-t .iGe^^lyrilno 3da.

Joshua Lov/e 133-^1 - 1915 Susan Lov/e 1335 0 1905"

Jp g i.»;::i

:7all:?r D 1393 ..-e T^Trs.

i^atriarine ".7alk3r J 13/0 .1.53 .^4 J';ora A. './allcer D I3ri7 .*3e" lyr Cl9;a?ntl;ie V/alker D iSol^.i-'-e" l-r Jary 1^. "alker D 1935 ..3- Soyrs.

Andre --7 J. Shx-oyer 1843 - 1919 Charlotte Shrove r 13-^6 - 1926 Allen Shroyer " 1376 - 1921

7/illiam H. Crlaer I836 - 1923 Elizabeth Crider ,336 - 1930

Helen Louise Shelton D 193A .^^e 25

Infant, Crider I'Yb. 20,1933

Orval .;. 3rev/er 1911 - 1927

Daniel Ha:nbo 134 2 - 19 23 l.'Iary .i . Ra.ibo 1335 - 1927

T/illlan 0. Underv/ood D 1354 ..^e 2yr3.

Alice Blanche, dau. of '.7. .v. and ..Inan^.a frreen l35l ^-e 2

Lyman 3;:iith Co .3 6 Jlnd.Inf.

:31a::3ly Ounl'..^ 1323 - 1337 i.;ar^arst Dunlap 1323 - 1333 Caf'iarine Dunlap 1330 - 1333 Sar'ah Du-il--.._'-. 1''33 - 137"} ■/i-lliai J. Dunlap 13.,.3 ' - 1856 John T. Junl^.p 13.,:' - 1362 Creor-e Dj.nl ;f.p" 1362 - I869 ::^.:r:; D^Ml: :j l3^.'r -- 13 ■■3

li?.-^ry , son